How does Reiki increase Self Healing?

Reiki Healing

Reiki is a form of vibrational medicine. It has been around for hundreds of years, and has been used to help in healing emotional and physical ailments.

Reiki is a method of energy healing, using a specific vibration of life force energy that helps to restore and balance the energy field. Our physical body is much more than what goes in and what comes out. We are effected by our emotional body, our beliefs and patterns, traumas, and what we consciously choose to create. We are constantly co-creating through patterns (mental and emotional patterns and beliefs), relationships and experiences. Each experience has energetic interactions, and over time our energy fields can become weakened or imbalanced, especially if parts of our life or body are suppressed or unexplored.

Our energetic body plays into our physical body and environments on a larger scale than we often realise. Our body is constantly giving us clues as to what we need to do, but through patterns and daily pressures we can come to suppress this internal wisdom we have.

Reiki can help to restore this energetic body, through retuning and bringing life force energy back to parts that are lacking, or restore over used areas. It also can help to clear blockages, release dentisty, or layers of stuck emotion or past events/trauma.

Reiki can be used on ourselves or others. It is facilitated by laying the hands on the body for anywhere between 3-10 minutes, and allowing the Reiki energy to flow to the areas it is needed. One may experience light tingling in this area, warmth, or emotional release. Often times, clients receiving a reiki treatment experience a wonderful glowing, light radiant energy pulsating throughout the body. Often times, the treatment is deeply relaxing, and there can be realisations or intuitive breakthroughs during a treatment.

In order to receive the Reiki attunement for self-healing, one must complete their Reiki Level 1 certification. You do not require any prior knowledge or understanding of Reiki, as this is covered in the Level 1 training. After this, you will be well equipped to facilitate a healing on yourself and your friends and family members.

Self healing is one of the best tools we can have in our toolkit for releasing stuck emotion, strengthening our intuition, strengthening connection to self, releasing past emotion, mental clarity, feelings of love for self and others, and for deepening our trust and awareness to energy.

I use Self Reiki every morning and night for 10 minutes before bed, and upon wakening. I use it to tune into self and heal any area of the body that is feeling like it needs some balancing or retuning. I have found it incredibly useful for strengthening my relationship to source, strengthening my ability to channel information for myself, for others, and heal trauma and past situations. It has truly been pivotal for my self love journey.

I learned Reiki a few years ago to heal myself, but truly found my passion through practicing this gift on other people. If you would like to learn more about where to learn Reiki, check out my next trainings coming up here: Events.

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Olivia Scott is a qualified reiki healer in Auckland, plus a life and business coach, author, podcast host & speaker. Get in touch here.