Client Spotlight: KM Marks

KM is one of Olivia’s clients in the healing room and shares a bit about herself, her journey, and what healing means to her.


When did you begin your healing journey?

I've always been introspective or 'seeking'. However, entering weekly psychotherapy two years ago marked the beginning of a meaningful commitment to healing and exploration. It has given me the anchoring I need to experiment with and integrate other practices into my life. 

What are 3 rituals you come back to when you fall out of balance?

I tend to adrenalise myself when under pressure, so (when I remember) gentle and grounding rituals are where I look to re-centre.

  • Self Reiki: In bed usually, morning and/or night. Even just a hand on my heart makes a difference.

  • Warm, squishy foods: If I can muster the energy, I like to make a giant pot of bean soup, or dahl to last a few days. It's like a gift to my future self.

  • Flower Remedies: I love seeing the Naturopaths at Huckleberry Grey Lynn for a First Light flower remedy, made from flora native to Aotearoa. Somehow, I always end up there on the day I need one. I love carrying the little bottle with me everywhere — like an amulet — the simple repetition of taking drops throughout the day is so soothing.

What mantra/affirmation most resonates with you?

At the moment, "not everything can be everything to me" is a refrain. It's my reminder to tune into a sense of constancy within — rather than locating my worth in how well I rise to each project or challenge. It's also an antidote to perfectionism. 

What does spirituality mean to you?

That I am a part of something beyond myself, something universal. 

What is your own spiritual practice?

Seeking to know, and to be myself beyond fear, shame, and programming. And then, to put this to use in service of others. 

What is your morning ritual?

Consistency isn't my strength! But usually, the day begins with warm water. 

How do you incorporate balance into your life?

I'm experimenting with slowing down to speed up. I'm finding that by tuning in to my needs and meeting them first, other commitments and work get done with more ease.

How would you describe your Reiki experience with Olivia to someone who is brand new?

 I would describe a session with Olivia as an experience of being seen in new and embodied ways. Somehow, I always get what I need from a session — even when going in with no particular intention. I've found that each time I see Olivia, I'm nudged one degree closer to where I want to be. Months later, the effect is profound. 

What is the biggest a-ha moment or breakthrough you have had on your journey so far? (This could be a piece of wisdom, a learning/lesson, or penny-drop moment)

I came to the realisation recently that the dark things in me, and the things I struggle with are not uniquely mine; they don't make me uniquely broken or fucked up — they're part of the spectrum of human experience.