Client Spotlight: Jasmin Scott of Jasmin Sparrow Jewellery


When did you begin your healing journey?

I’ve always been quite in tune with what my body needs, I find being in nature so healing and I’m always drawn to the ocean when my body’s out of balance.

I was brought up near the beach and have fond memories of always being outdoors as a child, that connection has been instilled in me from an early age.

Going for a swim in the sea or a walk in the bush always realigns me, it reminds me I’m apart of something much bigger; putting things into perspective, and allowing me to reconnect with myself.

What are 3 rituals you come back to when you fall out of balance?

  1. Being in nature; a swim, a walk outside or simply sitting on the grass, I find it so grounding and notice the positive effects it has on my children too.

  2. A yoga class, I practice a few times a week and really notice it mentally when I don’t.

  3. Meditation. I did a vedic meditation course over a year ago, and while I don’t practice as consistently as I would like, it feels like a secret tool that’s there when I need to reconnect with myself.

What mantra/affirmation most resonates with you?

Not sure if it’s a mantra or affirmation, but ‘trust your intuition,’ is a big one for me. I rely on this for everything, from personal life to business decisions.

What does spirituality mean to you?

I think for me spiritually is connection to the earth; the universe and it’s elements.

What is your own spiritual practice?

Connecting with self through rituals of self care.

What is your morning ritual?

I try to do a meditation or some breath work before getting out of bed. Mornings are busy with two children so I try to wake early and calm myself before facing the day. I brush my teeth and use an Ayurvedic tongue scraper, make a collagen drink, then coffee — my favourite part.

How do you incorporate balance into your life?

I walk or do yoga everyday, both if I can. Living in the city doesn’t always agree with me so I have a few favourite walks I go on that help me feel centred, I love doing this alone without any music/podcasts. I have little rituals that help me throughout the day; breath work, herbal tea, meditations.

How would you describe your Reiki experience with Olivia to someone who is brand new?

I think you need to allow yourself to be quite open and vulnerable to connect and receive on that level, Olivia has such a gentle and honest temperament she makes this very easy. I came away with a calmness and balance I hadn’t felt in a long time.