Client Spotlight: Dwayne Rowsell


Dwayne Rowsell is a Kiwi hockey star and Co-Founder of Studio Box. Dwayne Rowsell shares with Olivia some of his tips and practices that keeps him centred amongst his busy schedule. Dwayne is a regular in the healing room and shares his experience of healing and what it means to him.

What is the biggest a-ha moment or breakthrough you have had on your journey so far? 

“Slowing down, to speed up. Doing little things such as checking in on my breathing, connecting to my heart to understand how I truly feel, more meditation and restorative exercises and saying no when I’ve overcommitted myself.”

How would you describe your Reiki experience with Olivia to someone who is brand new?

“Olivia will help you understand that thing you can’t quite work out or put a finger on but you know is there. You will want to go back for a second experience.”

What mantra/affirmation most resonates with you?

“I am doing my best” and “things always work out for me” are the two sayings that I always come back to or speak about.”

What is your morning ritual?

I’ll get as much sleep as I can. A cold shower to start the day and I’m out the door. Trying daily to reduce the habit of needing to know everything as soon as I wake up on emails, stocks, social media, etc.

How do you incorporate balance into your life?

“Balance comes to me through stillness by relaxing at home, swimming in the ocean or taking a sauna/ice bath.” 

What are 3 rituals you come back to when you fall out of balance?

”An ocean swim followed by a night of nothing at home and in bed before 10pm with no alarm.”

What is your morning ritual?

“I’ll get as much sleep as I can. A cold shower to start the day and I’m out the door.  Trying daily to reduce the habit of needing to know everything as soon as I wake up on emails, stocks, social media, etc.”

How do you incorporate balance into your life?

“Balance comes to me through stillness by relaxing at home, swimming in the ocean or taking a sauna/ice bath.”

To learn more about Dwayne, follow him on instagram at @dwaynerowsell or check out it his business @_studiobox