12 Signs You Are an Empath

signs you are an empath - love by olivia

The term ‘empath’ is commonly used these days to describe someone who is naturally sensitive or empathetic, but it is really so much more than that. So what are the signs you are an empath? 

Signs You Are An Empath

  1. You feel as if you take in a lot more information than the normal person. An empath is a highly sensitive individual (not just emotionally sensitive, but also in a physical and sensory sense too). They also have an ability to feel and absorb the emotions and physical energy of people around them. For empaths, all experiences are felt and experienced from a heightened level of awareness. Empaths naturally take in a lot more information than the normal person and are constantly filtering that information through a lens of intuition.

  2. You feel emotions deeply - both the highs, and the lows. A clear sign of being an empath is that your emotional highs and lows are felt with more intensity, more than usual. This is because empaths are highly sensitive to all emotions, and it means that you may need more time and space than others to process things before moving on. Check out this article for 5 quick and easy ways to get out of a thinking rut and back into your breathing body.

  3. You sometimes find it hard to articulate your feelings. Often empaths have more difficulty articulating or intellectualising their feelings, because they feel so much. It can be difficult to decipher what energy they are experiencing by themselves, and what they may have taken on from someone else. It is very important for empaths to have plenty of alone time so that they can be clear about what they are feeling. Empaths may find inward tasks such as journalling, walking, or repetitive tasks like knitting can be helpful in finding inner clarity. Daily self care and energy clearing routines are hugely important for empaths in order to declutter energy from the day. 

  4. Your advice is valued by people around you. Empaths have an ability to see situations from a wider perspective, and are therefore commonly asked about their thoughts or opinions on things. Their advice is often very unbiased, and is carefully considered - hence being valued by others. Often being an empath goes hand in hand with offering your advice and wisdom, as naturally people come to you to ask your thoughts. Be careful however, with people becoming dependent on you for your wisdom and sucking your energy. Dr Judith Roff shares that “an empath’s sensitivity makes them particularly easy marks for energy vampires, whose fear or rage can sap their energy and peace of mind. Vampires do more than drain an empath’s physical energy. The especially dangerous ones such as narcissists (they lack empathy and are only concerned with themselves) can make them believe they’re unworthy and unlovable. Other vampires include The Victim, The Chronic Talker, The Drama Queen and more!”

  5. You prefer 1 on 1 catch ups over bigger social scenarios. In large groups or social settings, empaths may feel like they are absorbing so many different energies that it’s hard to enjoy themselves. The overload of information can make it difficult for empaths to process and think clearly. 1 on 1 catch ups can feel more enjoyable to empaths as they can properly listen, think clearly and hear their own thoughts.

  6. Your home or bedroom is your sanctuary. Quiet time is integral for an empath’s well being. Empaths can feel overwhelmed in busy, messy or noisy environments. Because they take in so much more information from their environments, empaths usually find calm, peaceful, beautiful environments very important to them. They naturally have an inclination towards environments that ‘feel’ right and can pick up an ‘energy’ of a situation or environment very quickly. Oftentimes, the home or bedroom is the place where an empath can really properly recharge. It is very important for an empath to create a safe and beautiful space that has positive energy, where they feel safe and relaxed. 

  7. You can sniff BS from a mile away. You can tell when someone has an ulterior motive or intentions that don’t seem pure. You know when something is off and just doesn’t feel right. You can tell when someone is lying or trying to mislead you. You can read a situation or dynamic well. Your radar for BS is pretty good. It’s important to trust your instinct as an empath. If you feel something is wrong? Trust it. The more you use your intuition muscle as an empath, the more it will show you.

  8. You are a great leader and have an ability to empathise with all people. Because empaths have an ability to understand people on a deep level, you understand the importance of helping your team succeed. You understand as a leader that when your team thrives, you thrive, and you do your best to understand each individual to support their success.

  9. You have a natural instinct to be of help or service. Another sign of being an empath is that you have a natural instinct to help others. Because empaths can feel and see more than usual, it is important for them that they are of service to people. Empaths naturally want to help people, because they often can see into a situation or person easily, due to their deep processing and heightened awareness. Empaths can make great Doctors, Nurses, Healers, Counsellors etc.

  10. You avoid unnecessary negativity or confrontation. With an empath’s heightened sensitivity, negativity is experienced and felt on a much deeper level than usual. This can show up in relationships, where an empath finds it harder than usual to receive feedback, criticism or confrontation. This means they often will avoid saying what they mean in pursuit of avoiding pain.

  11. You can be prone to people pleasing tendencies. In order to ‘keep the peace’, empaths can have a tendency to avoid negativity, so will often ignore their own needs at the expense of keeping the peace with others. This is to avoid the feelings of discomfort or the unsettled feeling of having trouble. Because empaths can sense when someone is being triggered or experiencing discomfort, they can also pick up when what they are doing is triggering the other person. Empaths often avoid this by not speaking up about their true needs and being ‘nice’ in order to keep the energy comfortable.

  12. You often find it hard to watch violence, horror or highly stressful TV and movies. Empaths may find it hard to watch scary, stressful or fear-inducing forms of entertainment. The energy of the stimulus affects you on a deeper level and can often feel like it has happened in real life, even if it was only fictional. It may feel hard to shake seeing something - even when you know it wasn’t true!

Do you resonate with any of these signs of being an empath? If so, you must embrace your gift - don’t hide your sensitivities. Being an empath comes with many benefits, including creativity, wisdom, deep emotions and experiences, and you offer a unique perspective to the world.

However, it’s important to clear other people’s energy by setting boundaries for what you will and won’t tolerate. Give yourself physical space from people or energies, get out into nature, have alone time, have a bath or even a shower to cleanse other people’s energies. I find using crystals such as selenite, rose quartz, essential oils and sage/palo santo for clearing energy very helpful. I’d love to hear what you do to clear and ground your energy.

As a fellow empath I wouldn’t have it any other way! Being an empath can be harnessed as a skill and with strong energetic boundaries it can be deeply rewarding.

Love, Olivia x

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Olivia Scott is a qualified reiki healer in Auckland, plus a life and business coach, author, podcast host & speaker. Get in touch here.