10 Journaling Prompts To Set You Up For A Game Changing 2022 - Eve Wellness

The end of the year is a perfect time to sit back and get a quick vibe check on your life and where you’re heading. 

With some time over the holidays to reflect, it can be powerful to stop and notice; what feels good, what feels new, what worked, what didn't? 

Putting in some time to reflect allows us to grow and make better decisions. As we reassess what's important to us, we can put some intentions in place that guide us towards deeper connection to our lives and greater fulfillment. 

We always have a choice, whether that's to make a scary change, to pivot, or to ask ourselves, is this really serving me? Change and growth is inevitable, so stopping to listen to where our true happiness lies can be the best rudder for moving into the new year with clarity.

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